Non-Profit Excellence Award

Business Excellence Awards 2024 | Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce


Congratulations on being nominated for the Non-Profit Excellence Award! Your positive impact on the community and your outstanding presence in the Greater Vernon area have truly set you apart. Whether you were self-nominated or recognized by others, your aspiration to be one of Vernon's most notable contributors is commendable.

The following questions form the basis of our judging process and should be answered thoughtfully. We recommend drafting your responses in a Word or Google document before copying and pasting them into the submission form to prevent any loss of your work.

Take your time, there are around a dozen questions in total.

  • This award is presented to the organization that exemplifies excellence and innovation in their programs, projects, and partnerships.
  • Their commitment to growth and expanded programs, as well as service, community involvement, sustainable practices and/or job creation/development.
  • Demonstrates a dedicated focus on achieving their vision and mandate.
sponsor logo
Community Foundation North Okanagan
Criterion Weight
Business details 20.0%
Organization Vision and Mandate 30.0%
Comittment to Growth and Community 30.0%
Excellence and Innovation 20.0%